05.11.2011, 13:13
i am using luxadmin system in that i dont want the current /admin style
this is the current code
I wanted to change it style , if a player type /admins then it should show the admin list in a Box
for example just see rocks vip system..
Please help me to make it like that
i am using luxadmin system in that i dont want the current /admin style
this is the current code
pawn Код:
#pragma unused params
new count = 0;
new string[128];
new ChangeColor;
SendClientMessage(playerid, green, " ");
SendClientMessage(playerid, green, "___________ |- Online Admins -| ___________");
SendClientMessage(playerid, green, " ");
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if (IsPlayerConnected(i))
if(PlayerInfo[i][Level] >= 1 && PlayerInfo[i][Hide] == 0)
if(PlayerInfo[i][Level] > 6)
AdmRank = "Professional Admin";
ChangeColor = Color_Professional_Admin;
AdmRank = "RCON Administrator";
ChangeColor = Color_RCON_Administrator;
case 1: {
AdmRank = "VIP";
ChangeColor = Color_Basic_Moderator;
case 2: {
AdmRank = "Moderator";
ChangeColor = Color_Moderator;
case 3: {
AdmRank = "Master Moderator";
ChangeColor = Color_Master_Moderator;
case 4: {
AdmRank = "Administrator";
ChangeColor = Color_Administrator;
case 5: {
AdmRank = "Head Administrator";
ChangeColor = Color_Master_Administrator;
case 6: {
AdmRank = "Professional Admin";
ChangeColor = Color_Master_Administrator;
case 0: AdmDuty = "Playing!";
case 1: AdmDuty = "On Duty!";
format(string, 128, "Level: %d - %s (Id:%i) | %s | %s",PlayerInfo[i][Level], PlayerName2(i),i,AdmRank,AdmDuty);
SendClientMessage(playerid, ChangeColor, string);
if (count == 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"No admin online in the list");
SendClientMessage(playerid, green, " _______________________________________");
return 1;
for example just see rocks vip system..
Please help me to make it like that