
Hello all, I'm a bit confused.
I want your opinion.
I'm thinking of joining the british army, but aswell I would like to enter the course of marketing.
Is anyone in it? Is it fun?
What should I do, army or marketing?

Originally Posted by FireCat
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I'm thinking of joining the british army ... Is it fun?
Seriously? "Is it fun?" ? o.o I really don't think it's "fun" but I would suggest you to join something in the marketing.

Well I'm going into the Forces myself. The Army has a lot of different roles such as: Combat, Engineering, Logistics and Support, HR & Finance, Intelligence & Communications, Music & Ceremonial.

You can still manage to build the structure for a career when you leave the Army whilst serving. If you're interested in marketing and finance then you could go into the Army as several things (Refer here).

As I was told, you have to look beyond the Combat aspect of the Army and look to come out of your career with the skills you need to seek employment back in civvy street. (: Hope it helped.

Originally Posted by FireCat
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Hello all, I'm a bit confused.
I want your opinion.
I'm thinking of joining the british army, but aswell I would like to enter the course of marketing.
Is anyone in it? Is it fun?
What should I do, army or marketing?
Well if you join the Army you can work in Human Resources, in there its all about paychecks and so on which will help you if you choose to do marketing in college or university! (all valid informations from a Army Career Adviser we had in our college, I am doing Public Services he said that if you join a army you get a good info for ur CV either in further education and work)

Originally Posted by Corello2010
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Well I'm going into the Forces myself. The Army has a lot of different roles such as: Combat, Engineering, Logistics and Support, HR & Finance, Intelligence & Communications, Music & Ceremonial.

You can still manage to build the structure for a career when you leave the Army whilst serving. If you're interested in marketing and finance then you could go into the Army as several things (Refer here).

As I was told, you have to look beyond the Combat aspect of the Army and look to come out of your career with the skills you need to seek employment back in civvy street. (: Hope it helped.
The problem is, I currently live in Portugal, and I'm thinking of joining the army, that's why "I'm in a tuff decision :$"

You are lucky to have a decision, i HAVE to serve in the military once i turn 18.

Hmm. Well then I suppose there isn't really a rush to join? I mean the Army is a life changing career. We all need to find what's best for us before we make any decisions.

I was hoping once in life to gain employment somewhere in I.T although the Army does offer similar jobs- My ultimate desire is to serve as an Infantry Soldier. After which, I can still use the qualifications I have prior to my service for further employment as well as the skills and qualifications I've gained whilst being in the Armed Forces.

If I'd have to pick one of these, I'd go with the British army. If I would have a free choose, it would be a


Join the Army and feel a man, join the Navy and feel a few.

I almost joined the US Marines once, all my friends were doing it and I wasn't far behind. But once the recruiter was at my house with contract papers, my mom decided I shouldn't join. This was at the peak of the war.

What it taught me was you should really do research on the military branch you join, prepare for it too (wouldn't want to go through boot camp with a body of a computer programmer)

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