Help !!!

Hi Please Help WHen i Do my Server and i port my ports it works ysterday and my friends enter when i goto now it told me that online no internet no hosted No i port it with easy porting... my CFG file is
echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password 1231
maxplayers 50
port 7777
hostname G-Force
gamemode0 larp 1
announce 1
plugins streamer
query 1
maxnpc 500
onfoot_rate 30
incar_rate 30
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 200.0
stream_rate 1000

Use lanmode 1
and you have to portforward
and improve your english
and just follow these things

You cant see your own server as it runs on 192.168.1.x, etc, You gotta ask someone to check.

edit: Have you checked if your IP has changed, many people have dynamic.

@India umadbro? lanmode 1 is only for Lan Connections.

You can add your hosted server in your favorites : 192.168.1.x
I do that and I see when it's online or not and when people join etc.

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