21.10.2011, 16:08
Hello, I got a small problem creating a servershop system...
I'm at the very last step wich is saving the stats but I got some problems...
ok so the shop enums:
don't really look at the other stuff besides the loop
then OnPlayerDisconnect:
but my ini file looks like this:
NOTE: the server reads the file correctly, according to testing, still its looking pretty bad in the file itself...
and I need a new line for every shop name and look if it's rather unlocked for the player or not...
... any help?
I'm at the very last step wich is saving the stats but I got some problems...
ok so the shop enums:
pawn Код:
enum Shops
new ServerShop[8][Shops]=
{"No more speeding control", 150000, 10 , "you cannot be caught by speedtraps no more!", 0},
{"Save Deathpos", 500000, 50 , "and you will be auto spawned to your death pos when you die!", 1},
{"10 Score", 25000, 0 , "You have gained 10 score points", 1},
{"50 Score", 100000, 0, "You have gained 50 score points", 1},
{"100 Score", 1750000, 0 , "You have gained 100 score points", 0},
{"Free Weather", 10000, 5 , "and u can now use /fweather to chose ur weather!", 0},
{"Auto Armour", 50000, 7 , "and u can now use the command: /auto armour once every 10 minuts", 1},
{"Auto Health", 750000, 12 , "and u can now use the command: /autp health once every 10 minuts", 0}//removed the ',' here too
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
new file[200],
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
pKMs[playerid] = INI_ReadInt("KMDriven");
pJoinBandits[playerid] = INI_ReadInt("JoinedBandits");
pJoinCops[playerid] = INI_ReadInt("JoinedCops");
pJoinDrivers[playerid] = INI_ReadInt("JoinedDrivers");
pJoinTruckers[playerid] = INI_ReadInt("JoinedTruckers");
for(new b; b < sizeof(ServerShop); b++)
if(ServerShop[b][shop_unlocked][playerid] == 1)
format(string, sizeof(string),"%s", ServerShop[b][shop_name]);
ServerShop[b][shop_unlocked][playerid] = INI_ReadInt(string);
then OnPlayerDisconnect:
pawn Код:
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
format(file,sizeof(file),"LuxKnack/TeamStats/%s.ini",name);//Formating the var to the selected house directory.
INI_Open(file);//Opening the file with SII.
INI_WriteInt("KMDriven\n", pKMs[playerid]);
INI_WriteInt("JoinedBandits", pJoinBandits[playerid]);
INI_WriteInt("JoinedCops", pJoinCops[playerid]);
INI_WriteInt("JoinedDrivers", pJoinDrivers[playerid]);
INI_WriteInt("JoinedTruckers", pJoinTruckers[playerid]);
for(new b; b < sizeof(ServerShop); b++)
if(ServerShop[b][shop_unlocked][playerid] == 1)
format(string, sizeof(string),"%s", ServerShop[b][shop_name]);
INI_WriteInt(string, 1);
INI_Save();//Saving file with SII.
if(GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid) > 0){
if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_DRIVERS || gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_COPS){
SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, 0);
KMDriven=70 JoinedBandits=1 JoinedCops=3 JoinedDrivers=13 JoinedTruckers=469 ;KMDriven ;=70 ;KMDriven ;=70 ;KMDriven ;=70 KMDriven =70
and I need a new line for every shop name and look if it's rather unlocked for the player or not...
... any help?