18.10.2011, 19:47
Sorry for the inconvenience
but is that possible?
i have that thing
but i want to do that the command will run on all players
no [playerid] because i have text draw that shows the germany points
and it always upgrade when germany soldier kill russian soldier
i need that the textdraw will work on all germany killers (it will be common points)
but is that possible?
i have that thing
PHP код:
GermanyPoints[playerid] ++;
no [playerid] because i have text draw that shows the germany points
and it always upgrade when germany soldier kill russian soldier
i need that the textdraw will work on all germany killers (it will be common points)
PHP код:
if(gTeam[killerid] == Germany)
if(gTeam[playerid] == Russia)
new newtext[41];
GermanyPoints[playerid] ++;//here the problem
format(newtext, sizeof(newtext), "Points:%d", GermanyPoints[playerid]);
TextDrawSetString(Textdraw6, newtext);
return 1;