MySQL bug at some variables..


I work on a MySQL system for my GameMode, but some variables doesn't save.. I don't say all variables don't save, just some variables, such as the lign where "Job" is write.

Here the code:

Thanks, I've spend 5 hours on this problem, and don't see where is the problem..

Make it like

Adminlevel= '%d'
or Banreason= '%s'

it may work

so use '%s' '%d' with the ' '

Already tried this.. But thanks.

did it work ?

Nop, if it work, I actually not request help I've try alot of things.. you can't imagine..

Save variables when they actually change ...

For example "Registered" is changed only one time since registration, and you plan to save it every time?

Originally Posted by Tigerkiller
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Make it like

Adminlevel= '%d'
or Banreason= '%s'

it may work

so use '%s' '%d' with the ' '
That won't be necessary. Single quotes are necessary with strings only.

Do what Sergei says and feel free to set more values in one query. There's no trouble having a query with 400 characters, just make sure your string has enough cells.

No, It's just for test.. but for my test, all data might save.. Such as the line where job is, nothing save on this line.

Looking at that line:
pawn Код:
format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE utilisateurs SET BiggestFish=%d, Job=%d, PayCheck=%d, HeadValue=%d, Jailed=%d, JailTime=%d, Materials=%d WHERE Pseudo='%s'", PlayerInfo[playerid][pBiggestFish], PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob], PlayerInfo[playerid][pPayCheck], PlayerInfo[playerid][pJailed], PlayerInfo[playerid][pJailTime], PlayerInfo[playerid][pMats], PlayerInfo[playerid][pMatsf], pName);
The error is easy to spot. You're missing the variable for HeadValue (after PlayerInfo[playerid][pPayCheck] and before PlayerInfo[playerid][pJailed]). That's why the query is invalid.

A good way to keep track of query errors (and this query _will_ produce one) is through the debug files both MySQL plugins have the option for.

Also, even if just for testing - why something as pointless as that? And 19 queries? Are you kidding me...

Already tried to edit it, and it doesn't work. And yeah, it's just for test IF I'm abble to save data in the database, I didn't said I don't project to link my GameMode with a website, but, for the moment it's just for testing, I've not MySQL connection system, just this, I just try to update in database.

But, thanks for your help.

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