[HELP] Filterscripts Problem

See this is my server.cfg fs line If i put any on 4th or 6th position its loading but not working
On My Linux Server:
Dialo_box"s scripts creating more problems on my server Dailog_box Means carmenu fs race Builder
filterscripts LuxAdmin PCHHOUSING Spreee Propcreater Rbuilder vip busnis tuningcarv1.1
Its big problem for me without fs server is empty help me plz

Then it's probably one of the filterscripts problem.
Try loading the FS's one by one until you find which one is causing this.

(Also reminding you that the FS's limit is 16)

ok try one bye on and one or two scripts not working on 7th position

if i put it on 1st other scripts not working

Is that happening only with your current script?

If not then those filterscripts must be corrupt.

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