ShowPlayerDialog problem

I'll do it the short way,

I've been developing today a system of car selling with dialogs, i have two errors(not at compiling but at testing) where dialogs just dont show up...

here's the code that I copy pasted and gives me the 2 errors


format(message,sizeof(message),"Are you sure you want to buy this car for %i $?",Vehicle[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)][ForSell]);

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2053,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Vehicle Dealership",message,"Yes","Back");

Dialog ID is correct, and the code before and after this part is repeated often in the code and works...

I've try to find the problem but with no solution....


Show us the errors you get.

I've had this problem, sometimes it's the string, so try changing the "message" from a string to just "Test" and see if it works, so have:

pawn Код:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2053,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Vehicle Dealership","Test","Yes","Back");
If that works, then it's your string.

Show us your dialog, and check is there any dialog with same id...

Make sure you have put a destination size for your string.
It might be the enum too.

vehicle stats

you must get the vid first before checkiing

new vID = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
and Vehicle[vID][...]

Originally Posted by Tigerkiller
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vehicle stats

you must get the vid first before checkiing

new vID = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
and Vehicle[vID][...]
pawn Код:
does exactly the same.

Originally Posted by Tigerkiller
Посмотреть сообщение
vehicle stats

you must get the vid first before checkiing

new vID = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
and Vehicle[vID][...]
What are the differences? LoL

i had the problem too but i solved it with this

Originally Posted by Tigerkiller
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i had the problem too but i solved it with this
With what?

Here's the code of the command:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/sellcar", true) == 0) {
	if(strcmp(result[playerid],pname,true) == 0)
			 if(strcmp(Business[playerid][bowner],pname, true) == 0)
				ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2041,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Vehicle Ownership","To sell this vehicle,\nplease enter the amount of money you want to sell it for.","Ok","Cancel");
				return 1;

		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2099,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Vehicle Ownership","To sell a vehicle,\nyou need to be in a vehicle dealership that you own.","Ok","");
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2099,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Vehicle Ownership","This is not your vehicle.","Ok","");
	return 1;
This part works perfectly, and the function GetField is mine and return the result in the variable "result" (works fine in all the rest of my script)

So when i use this script i do have the page asking me for the amount

here's the code with dialog id 2041, (dialog id 2099 does not exist and it's ok)
//car dealership
	if(dialogid == 2041)//receive money amount
		if(!response)//if cancel, cancel
			return 1;
	    	if(strval(inputtext)<1000 || strval(inputtext)>10000000)
	    		//not valid number
	    		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2041,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Vehicle Ownership","To sell this vehicle,\nplease enter a valid amount of money(1000-10000000)","Ok","Cancel");
	    	//give confirm
	    	format(message,sizeof(message),"Vehicle informations.\n\n\tLicense plate: %i\n\tModel: %s\n\tPrice: %i\n\nAre you sure you want to sell this vehicle?",GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)+1000,VehiclesName[GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))+400],strval(inputtext));

	    	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2042,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Vehicle Dealership",message,"Yes","Back");

	    	return 1;

And finally i want to say that if i enter a bad number, the dialog saying to put it again works, but when i enter a valid number, it just do nothing

Thanks guys for your help...

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