Checkpoint minimission

I'v tryed to create a mini-mission So for example if a player was in range of a point they would type /startcopmission1 it would create a checkpoint where the player would have to go and pick up the weapons, then after a player entered that checkpoint another checkpoint would get created to the drop off point, I just am SOO confused with checkpoints, iv tryed the wiki, searched, everything so if some one could explain to me how I could do that, thanks!

So you mean; As soon as you enter the checkpoint, another checkpoint would come up automatically?

If so it'll look something like this.

pawn Код:
if(Minimission[playerid] == 1)
        Minimission[playerid] = 2;
        SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 1958.7378,-2078.0024,13.0875, 5.0);

Could you explain that? Id have to create a variable, Like CP = Minimission ? and what does minimission[playerid] == 1) mean? and Minimission[playerid] = 2; mean? I know the rest

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