Gate system gone to hell.....

Hey people. Can anyone make me 3 gate's on command Am sorry but i tried to understand the tutorial's but i could not. can any please add one gate near the Caligula's Casino at LV on both the road's and one at LVPD garage.

Please tell me if its possible....

Command for gates :
=>Caligula's gates: 1./dragongateopen and /dragongateclose
2./dragongateopen and /dragongateclose

=>LVPD: 1./sapdgo and /sapdgc

Thank you in advance...Please dont think am just lazy to do anything and asking for instant help....


I can give me the CLOSE and OPEN coordinates of each gate.

I could get the cords myself but as you can see am a kindda nobish in Scripting. So,I would like to have the total code for the .pwn file....

And by-the-way am a Professional Mapper (NOT IN MOVING OBJECT'S). I see you need a mapper so wanna test me means contact me at ******** @

Please provide it in a .pwn file....

thankx again!!

No, goto the Request Thread, or hire a scripter if you can't script.

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