Central Gaming (cG) - Team Deathmatch

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Central Gaming TDM SA:MP Server
Host IP:
Port: 7788

You can download SA:MP from here

Your account, your team, your kills, your kill streak. Central Gaming is a recently opened community who has just started their own team death-match server. We have a professional administration team who all have a lot of experience behind them, as well a friendly community who always are here to help you along with your game-play. Stressed from an old fashioned roleplay server? No worry, you can come on down to the server and play against various people, choosing a team and fighting. Not only does it relieve stress but it offers great team training in the arts of lag-shooting and c-bugging.

C-Bugging is only allowed if both sides agree on it.

Even if the community does not turn out to be at least a tiny success, it's a home where you can go, relax, shoot a few people, with no stress involved, it's a place for freedom, rejoice, and friends. I guarantee you'll have the funniest time here, than any other team deathmatch server. You may question why I would say that, but here are some reasons below.

  • Script made from scratch.
Our head of development is led by Yamoo, who takes pride in his work, scripting the team deathmatch server from scratch, he's been working very hard on the script for the past weeks and he deserves for people to come look at the script and enjoy it, after all, that is what Central Gaming is here for.
  • Custom face-angles at selection.
Whenever you are picking a team, you have a custom face angle, it shows you detailed views of the teams and characters, as well as giving a side view of the vehicles that are spawned at that team. Each team has it's very own unique spawn point.
  • Donator Membership
Donator Memberships come with four packages; the average namechange donation, bronze donation, silver donation and gold donation. A part from the average namechange donation, these all come with large amounts of benefits to give you the best advantages in your roleplay. These benefits are a must if you're hoping to stick around the server, and it also keeps the server up and running.
  • Clans
Central Gaming is now providing a section for people to make their own clan within the team deathmatch server, if the clan is a success, then the script developer, Yamoo, will speak to them on making it their own tag/faction within the server. So remember to bring friends if you want to start a clan!

As a member of cG:TDM you have a lot of possibilities and if you join our community right now, then it's benefit for you. Although we're just lacking of dedicated and loyal members, since the community has just begun, we'll be making and giving a few people staff positions depending on their dedication.

Players around in this server are helpful and professional, staff team isn't as ignorant as it appears to be in every other bigger role-play communities. Staff team consists of hand-picked members, who've proved themselves to be dedicated and loyal for the community and actually give their best to support players quickly and efficiently. Different assignments has been divided to different people around in the community, so you as a player, have a lot of opportunity to choose, from what side are you going to help this community to be a better place.

The following group memberships for Central Gaming are...
  • Central Gaming - GFX Team
Led by Porsche himself, he's currently recruiting various people for the GFX Team, people within the GFX Team, not only will have their skills known throughout the community, but will be able to show off their skills, and even help people create their own, for those unfortunate of not knowing how to work GIMP, or Photoshop.
  • Central Gaming - Development Team
Led by Yamoo, the head of development within Central Gaming, he takes pride in his work and loves to script, currently since he's the only one in the team, he's recruiting third party scripters who can soon be trusted, all scripters will start with an internship, doing third party scripting, once Yamoo feels they are worthy, they will take the next step and become a scripter within the community, also receiving a spot as an ingame administrator.


© http://www.centralgaming.elementfx.com - For advertisement purposes of Central Gaming:TDM only.

Credits towards Porsche for creating the advertisement thread and everything within it.
Credits towards SA:MP for making the SA:MP logo.

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