[question] how to make a rp tutorial

is theres a tutorial on how to make an rp tutorial for when a player registers to server, i mean just show tutorial once after a new player registers, ive searched thru ****** and thru forus search but im not lucky to find one.

Explain what you mean? Like to show different area's of your map? you need a timer, and and you need a switch scenario i believe, i'm new my self but I believe this is what you need hopefully a more experienced user will help you. Good luck.

nah , i just need to show rules and few commands only with one camera , but giving time beetween paragraphs so the player can read them completely, this tutorial should just be shown on player register.

Use timers for the time that you want to set ^_^, for showing rules only to the newly registered users do as follows:
At the top
 new fresh = 0;
Then after they have already registered and have just logged in type :
fresh = 1;
then in OnPlayerSpawn
if(fresh == 0 )
 // your message to the NEW players
// out here is what you want to say to the players coming back again or the players who died and respawned.
EDIT: Did i help you?

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