Question about markers

Is it possible for a gteam to see markers as for the others not to see them?

Like lets say I have gTeam Black how would it be possible to let them see markers and disable markers on gTeam Red

What do you mean by marker? Map icon? Player marker?

I want gTeam black to see markers on his map (I want them to see gTeam red) but gTeam Red shouldn't be able to see anything.

oh like a cloaking device in sort? a stealth device so u go invisible in the map but can see other people?

No lol. Let's say there's two teams Black and Red, I want Black team to see Red as for Red team to see nothing as in no markers on his map.

yeah thats what it is lol its a AWACS System for Black and a UAV for the reds meaning they cant see markers xD

No, oh my god I have no idea what you're talking about.

Let's look at the mini map.

I want black team to see markers of other people on the minimap and I want red team to not show markers on the minimap


Well.. i think he wants that if you in BLACK Team you see the other People Markers / or w/e markers on the Map , but if you red team , you CAN'T see any markers


lol thats what i meant xD didn't u get me if ur black in effect u have AWACS(Can see all markers) and if ur in Red u cant lol

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