[FilterScript] Speedometer by Shawn Miller

Hi everybody !

Today, i present to you my first filterscript and hope this will help some people for their servers !

My Filterscript is like the title says, a Speedometer.

PS: Sorry i'm french so this screen is a french screen but to help you, i traduce now:

Vehicule = Vehicle
Vitesse = Speed
Carburant = Fuel
Kilometres = Kilometers

How to Use ?
Simple to use but you have a little bit of script to do.

My old server was on MySQL so cars were saved on MySQL, i guess you have allready developped a vehicle system so i dind't put another vehicle system on my Filtersript so you have to do that:

In this Filterscript, you'll se this:

pawn Код:
public CarUpdate(i)
Here, you have to modify this. I explain, you have your vehicle system so your fuell is controlled by him. You just have to modify in my FS fuel variable.

For This Filterscript, i added a kilometer system so you have to add 2 variables on your car save (Kilometers and Meters) I guess you know how to do that.

Myself for made it

iPLEOMAX for the idea of the fuel bar

Download link removed

Post here for support and bugs !

Nice dude! But would be more good if it whas on english :P but nice job :P

The filterscript is on english but not the screen and thx :P

I think i have already seen something like this.

I don't think so, i made it myself.

Great effort for your first filterscript, well done.

Nice work can you do the command /speed for hide and unhide the speedometer?

hйhй nice, continue ainsi shidony

Nice job.
Would be better if you make the vehicle name textdraw more readable (just a suggestion).

Nice speedo, nice textdraws good job dude !

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