Few questions, Pretty easy.

1. Can someone give me an idea/lesson on how to use Textdraws properly?
2. How do I get the position of Bone County Hospital? I.e when someone dies, set their position inside the hospital and set the camera to look at the hospital at a specified angle, I know HOW to set the cameras, but how do I get the actual positions?
3. Can someone explain loops in a noobish way, I know what they do, but they just "Scare" me.


1- https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=2867
2- Go ingame and do /save it will create a .txt file with the coords in "My Documents-GTA Files-...."
3- https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Loops

1. Thanks.
2. Yes, but how do I actually set the player IN the building, I mean, I dont want to see the player.
3. Thanks.

You know the interior ID?Just TP to it and get the coords where you want him to be...

But if i understand correctly,your aim is...when someone die,that person will have his camera looking at the hospital rigth?till respawn...then no need to set the player in the interior.

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