10.09.2011, 19:54
need some help with this please i followed a video tutorial and when i do what the video says it just shows my players in a blue sky as there spawn place and facing wrong way any help ? this is outside RS Haul
also its add player class so i no that u leave the first number and comma out due to that being the id before people ask if i have used that
edit i think i have just noticed the problem i think its the interior
pawn Код:
SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 297);
also its add player class so i no that u leave the first number and comma out due to that being the id before people ask if i have used that
pawn Код:
AddPlayerClass(253,-94.8380,-1140.8888,1.2935,119.6541,0,0,0,0,0,0); // player
AddPlayerClass(253,-99.7199,-1143.0790,1.3706,297.3158,0,0,0,0,0,0); // camera