02.09.2011, 22:00
Okay I see alot of rubbish and frankly repetitive server advertisements out there.
First I will give you an example of how not to do it, cos well, this is 90% of ALL the ads:
________________Title: superfreeroam server: RECRUITING ADMINS NOW! REFUNDS_______________________
Come and joinz the server! It is really cwl! Get admin when you join!
Come in and you get refund!
__________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Okay first of all, NOT cool, using a bribe to get people, is most certainly desperate. Desperate servers never get players.
Rule number 1. Always be honest. No-one will ever stay if you call it (for example) Unique and it is a GF edit. Thats hardly unique.
Rule number 2. Spell things correctly. I know that we're in a universe where everything is shortened, but please Spellcheck!
Rule number 3. Make it colorful and attractive. As soon as people look at an ad that is all plain old text, no-one likes an ugly server ad.
Rule number 4. Take your time. Find the time and make sure you relate to the people that you are advertising to: e.g. Bored of the same old server? Want something fresh? Using rhetorical questions is always a good idea!
Rule number 5. Let people know why your server is better than all the rest. Explain what recent additions have been made!
Rule number 6. The title. None of this admin crap and all this refund business, just your server name will do, you will never get genuine people in if you cant be genuine yourself!
Rule number 7. Let people know who you are, don't be shy!!
Rule number 8. Always let people know ways of contacting you with an e-mail. But don't get too personal!
Rule number 9. Have a little bit of humor, people like servers that aren't too strict!
Rule number 10. Make sure the server is online after the ad has been posted! No-one will ever join if they add the IP and its not there, come on, get a host.
If this tutorial helped you, or you think that I am correct in the fact that no-one posts good ads anymore just give me a reputation point! It wont hurt and only takes about 5 seconds of your time
Click Meeeeee!
First I will give you an example of how not to do it, cos well, this is 90% of ALL the ads:
________________Title: superfreeroam server: RECRUITING ADMINS NOW! REFUNDS_______________________
Come and joinz the server! It is really cwl! Get admin when you join!
Come in and you get refund!
__________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Okay first of all, NOT cool, using a bribe to get people, is most certainly desperate. Desperate servers never get players.
Rule number 1. Always be honest. No-one will ever stay if you call it (for example) Unique and it is a GF edit. Thats hardly unique.
Rule number 2. Spell things correctly. I know that we're in a universe where everything is shortened, but please Spellcheck!
Rule number 3. Make it colorful and attractive. As soon as people look at an ad that is all plain old text, no-one likes an ugly server ad.
Rule number 4. Take your time. Find the time and make sure you relate to the people that you are advertising to: e.g. Bored of the same old server? Want something fresh? Using rhetorical questions is always a good idea!
Rule number 5. Let people know why your server is better than all the rest. Explain what recent additions have been made!
Rule number 6. The title. None of this admin crap and all this refund business, just your server name will do, you will never get genuine people in if you cant be genuine yourself!
Rule number 7. Let people know who you are, don't be shy!!
Rule number 8. Always let people know ways of contacting you with an e-mail. But don't get too personal!
Rule number 9. Have a little bit of humor, people like servers that aren't too strict!
Rule number 10. Make sure the server is online after the ad has been posted! No-one will ever join if they add the IP and its not there, come on, get a host.
If this tutorial helped you, or you think that I am correct in the fact that no-one posts good ads anymore just give me a reputation point! It wont hurt and only takes about 5 seconds of your time

Click Meeeeee!