Please Help!

Hello im new in the scripting discussion and i have a problem whit object id 987. Im mapper and when i map some areas for fight only whit object id 987 (many times i spawn it) im making some type of cell (stage). The problem is i dont see the objects when i put it in pawn and save i log in game but the objects only objects 987 are gone why?

use a streamer ...

Show the code you drop in your Gamemode

- CreateObject(987, -1332.606323, 477.838715, 6.187500, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000);

This is only 1 of the many like that.

U need to put them under OnGameModeInit!

i put my mapped things under public OnPlayerConnect(playerid); and when i log in i see some of the mapped things.

Mapping doesn't go under OnPlayerConnect - Why dont you look at THIS to see how to add mapping to your server?

samtey and PhoenixB thanks!!!

how many objects are you working with?

If your using more than 300 i suggest you use a streamer - For example Streamer, just get the include and #include <streamer> at the top of your script and Hit that compile button with all your might xD , Go on my tutorial and check it out

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