Looking to learn.

Hello, I'm a begineer.. Well,I've no idea how to script.. But, I do have intrest, I want to learn how to script..
Can some of you guys give me tips , Also, Give me link of some good guides too?

I tried to mess on a script, But failed..
I need to learn to basics of scripting, So i can make my way up and learn to script some thing new..
Untill i dont know how to script, How will i do any thing.

Thank you.


Otherwise, look at the tutorials board on this forum and see if you can get through an entire tutorial with working code at the end...

Originally Posted by ELITEGAMER
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Hello, I'm a begineer.. Well,I've no idea how to script.. But, I do have intrest, I want to learn how to script..
Can some of you guys give me tips , Also, Give me link of some good guides too?

I tried to mess on a script, But failed..
I need to learn to basics of scripting, So i can make my way up and learn to script some thing new..
Untill i dont know how to script, How will i do any thing.

Thank you.
I seen a topic yesterday about also a new scripter that was looking for some topic's or page's.. Hold on let me find it and edit this topic. Give me like 3 minutes .

[EDIT: Bingo found the topic..

Hope this will help you improve your knownledge.]

Kind Regards,

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