03.08.2011, 18:25
Последний раз редактировалось RandomDude; 07.04.2013 в 00:01.
Stunting Land!
This Gamemode Is All Scripted By Me RandomDude.. I Was Name [XTC]Man But CBA To Change To RandomDude..
Anyway This Gamemode Is All Scripted By Me From Top To Bottom I Am Releasing It As There Is A Admin I Demoted And He Hacks My Account Password Some How I Changed It Sevral Time But Now I Give Up On Him So Here Is The Gamemode [SORRY NO PICS OR VIDEO]
Teles Stunt Areas ->/sfair /home /lvair /lsair /lvfun Jumps ->/hugejump Fun -> /fun /fun1 /fun2 /fun3 /fun4 /chilliad ChillWithAGirl -> /china Other -> /lv /ls /sf /grove /locolow /arch /thehouse /carshow /crazynrg /4dragons /theship |
Commands General: /dm 1-77 /afk /brb /back /help /rules /teles /credits /about Vehicle: /fix /lock /unlock /flip /carcolor Account: /register [pass] /login [pass] Player: /mycolor /myweather Other:/buyweapons |
Credits Maps:MA_Prokings Admins:Proking,Dimon_Kud,Cincos..... More |
Heres The Link: