How to create amx file?

Ok made a .pwn file but when I press f5 to make the .amx file an error comes out "fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "streamer", what can i do to fix this

You need to insert the streamer include in to your 'pawno/includes' directory. You can get the include from here.

Includes are used to hold parts of code and are compiled in to your gamemode when you compile your script - if an include isn't available and is required, you'll receive a fatal compilation error.

ok now that i did that i get this new error "fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "a_zones"

here bro, Streamer

Originally Posted by sam castillo
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ok now that i did that i get this new error "fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "a_zones"
take this . Zones

but that didnt solve this "fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "a_zones"

change a_zones to my file name "zones"

what is with all these errors now im getting,
fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "foreach"

How To Create an Amx File:

Open up Pawno -> /Server/Pawno/Pawno.exe/
Open up a Script/Make ur Own -> Press F5
The Script Will Complie

Error May Occur -> Look Carefully at the Error e.g /Server/ex/(49Undefined Symbol;
Take the Time to look at bit in Red, [Example]

Undefined Symbol: meaning a Variable is not Defined there for you Can't use it
498: The Line witch the Error is on [NOT ALL THE TIME Can be some lines up or down]

Your Issue today, Seemes to Be Located as a Missing File 'streamer'

I'm not Aware what Streamer your Source is using But Could Try Searching 'Streamer 2.5 -> Ignicitgo's or Somthing xD

Place it into your Includes

if This Occurs e.g 'Midostream' is not Found [I'm a C++ User so i Can't Remember what it says on Pawno]
But try Searching on ******, Hopefully You'll Get the Correct one.

Place into Pawno/Includes

Cheers iiKyle - Hopefully i made Some Sense :/

where can i get file

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