Questions, questions, and more questions.

Since my other thread was closed...(I was going to use it)

How do I become the top level Admin in my server? And what are the server commands for Grand Larceny?

There are no much commands on grand larceny. It's just default mod running on your server with few examples of commands. I suggest you start learning pawno by reading wiki.

ALSO! Is there a script to add a save feature to my server? When me and my friends build cars, we make a sort of "show room" and when we're done, we want our cars to be saved. Is there a script, or button, or something, to save everything done in a server?

There is. As I said start reading wiki and learning how to program in Pawno.

Originally Posted by AmyX
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ALSO! Is there a script to add a save feature to my server? When me and my friends build cars, we make a sort of "show room" and when we're done, we want our cars to be saved. Is there a script, or button, or something, to save everything done in a server?
Just use AddStaticVehicle to your script (Given you have the co-ords, if you don't, use samp_debug and /vsel or v [vehicle ID, the name crashes it] and go to the car showroom, and /save [name] where you want it). If you /save'ed them, you can find them at ...\Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files\SAMP\savedpositions.txt

If you want car mods added to it, you have to save it separably, using AddVehicleComponent, every time the server loads. Such as:

pawn Код:
new vehiclename //Goes on top, has to be above said: V
public OnGameModeInit
      vehiclename = AddStaticVehicle(420,-2482.4937,2242.3936,4.6225,179.3656,6,1); // Taxi
      return 1;

public OnPlayerEnterVehicle (playerid, vehicleid)
     if (vehicleid == vehiclename)
               AddVehicleComponent(vehiclename, 1010); // 10x Nitro
     return 1;

Originally Posted by Ironboy500[TW]
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There is. As I said start reading wiki and learning how to program in Pawno.
You should say, "learning how to program pawn." Since PAWNO is the application PAWN is the language.

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