Suggestions of features for OXP

So I'm currently developing my object extended pawn precompiler (right now I'm fighting with making it work so that pawno runs it, and it runs pawncc - with pawno given params) the thing is, it's syntax will be based on C++ style which is very common for me. My question is - what advanced features of C++ should I try to implant, and are there some that I should exclude?

Right now, I'm considering implanting :
  • only public access level
  • only non-const functions
  • ability to define either in class definition or outer one (as well as the fact, that it will check if a method is not defined, while a defined method may be as well not implanted (as long as it's not called!)
  • I'm considering making the static keyword for classes
  • later or sooner, inheritance WILL be there!
  • Incorporating should be possible (probably not at first)
  • Destructors will be called (not at first)
  • my "pawn" version of inline functions (Link:What are inline functions?)
  • Note : Initialization lists won't optimize anything, and thus will not exist
  • stock keyword as default
  • Very low possibility : Finding operators, and somehow manipulating them to allow complete unlimited overloading (C'mon, who's that advanced at sa-mp to need it - if there's anyone, code will be open source anyway)
  • Basic method and variable calls
  • Chained method/variable calls
  • Possibly the pre-compiler will have full data of a class, so it would be possible to generate descriptions
Right now that meets my requirements for OO extension, if there's a feature I should add, post it here !

If you need to know how the code will look more or less, here's a normal header file of C++ (It's from precompiler):
#ifndef PARSER_H
#define PARSER_H
typedef FILE* File;
namespace Parse {
    enum Mode {
class Parser {
    Parser(Parse::Mode mod=Parse::Block);
    ~Parser() {}
    int cd;
Edit : What about namespaces?

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