SA-mp Chat shown in server log but not ingame

Dont know if its actually a Client if not ill ask an Mod to move it

ok following problem...

If i type something in chat normal with out any command it wont shown up ingame....But if i look on the server_log.txt the message was sent just not shown ingame...

This is my OnPlayerText...

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
    new pname[24];
    new string[128];
    SpamStrings[playerid] +=2;
    //If Muted
    if(IsMuted[playerid] == 1)
        SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"You are muted. You cannot speak.");
        return 0;
    //If Spamming
    if(SpamStrings[playerid] >= MAX_SPAM)
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Please do not spam. Please wait before typing again.");
        return 0;
    if(strfind(text[0],"rcon",true)) return 0;
    if(strfind(text[0],"www.",true)) return 0;
    if(strfind(text[0],"http",true)) return 0;
    if(strfind(text[0],"login",true)) return 0;
        SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"Please use newbie instead");
        return 0;
    format(string,sizeof(string),"%s(%d): %s",PlayerName(playerid),playerid,text);
    return 1;
As you see at the end it returns 1...

Some other Info

SA-MP 0.3c R2 Server Package
SA-MP 0.3c R3 Client Package
Operating System: Windows Vista ( Tried it already on Linux debian but same problem)

If you can not see the chat on other servers too get 0.3c client instead of using 0.3c R3:

Ok iv tried your solution but didnt worked

Maybe this video will help you

Click Me

PS: sry for the Advert in the video xD

This is from the Server_log.txt

[17:27:16] [chat] [Bernd]: as you see above normal messages gets sent
[17:27:33] [chat] [Bernd]: and if i write something like this here...and press Enter
[17:27:41] [chat] [Bernd]: you see it doesnt show up


Well if the chat is visible it has nothing to do with the issue where it can not be seen at all on some of the Intel video cards.

I'll move it to the scripting section as this is a problem with your script.

kk..well what else causes that on playertext returns 0 Filterscript used

iv tried to mute my self and after i done it says the message like in the 1st post...

So onplayertext gets called...

pawn Код:
if(strfind(text[0],"rcon",true)) return 0;
if(strfind(text[0],"www.",true)) return 0;
if(strfind(text[0],"http",true)) return 0;
if(strfind(text[0],"login",true)) return 0;
This is the problem right here.

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