
Since im back active in Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Pro, Im going to play ESL / Clanbase with my guys there to roll there some seasons/leagues/cups/tournaments/championships.. you may know the summer leauge, Eurocup, Opencup and so on.. Im going to play there at all and sign me up with my guys. But well, we have there on problem! We dont have a own gameserver, only a voiceserver. We really need a Gameserver to practise there, to play there officals and mIRC wars.. its also some kind of rule that we need one, our last partner left us because his root went down

So here the info:
Game: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Mod: 2.6b or 2.60 ETPro
Slots: 16 would be fine, but not more than 20 please, you can decide it by yourself Or 16 + 2 Private.. all in all we just want that also adminstrators can connect and spectate us and view our match etc. also the Enemy Territory TV!
Host: Please an European Server, United Kingdom or Germany would be a +!
Access to the control panel of the Gameserver, so that we can upload new maps etc. and also the new anticheat, there is an serveraddon.. everyone has to upload it there that this anticheat works, its called "SLAC" since ET isnt used to play on Punkbuster anymore, only the 2.55 Mod!

You get:
We will TAG-UP our name with your name, for example Lvl6.nuggan #YOURNAME
The Server can be called like you want for example blablabla by YOURNAMEcom or something
You will have access to everything and can follow us there daily, spectate us etc.
we will present your name well on ESL/Clanbase!

Its really important, hope it works! Leave me an answer
We can also write over XFIRE or mIRC (QuakeNet)


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