Free Online Hosting?

Hello i have been scripting 2 different gamemodes for 2 / 3 months now.

i have a trucking gm and a roleplay gm,

only thing is i dont want to pay for hosting and as i am not the owner of my router i cannot portforward as i do not have perrmisions.

i have found one free server host "" but it takes to much faffing around once your 4 hours are up, has anyone found a good half decent server hosting company that are free

#2 but they are out of slots i think, its worth a try as you get 20 free slots, and its trusted, you will only need to upload your .amx file of your script so no worries

:O serverffs does free hosting?

Originally Posted by Trotty729
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:O serverffs does free hosting?
Yup but only 4 limiting time; max time is 4 hours...

samp 4 free now has some ports opeen for free servers go get them cuz they are frikkin awesome

When i try to Register myself then it says that You have to understand our basic conditons
Any idea?

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