13.07.2011, 02:50
Right now I am trying to make a speedometer which shows health, speed and the name of the vehicle. So far I am working on health and I'm trying to make it so each color corresponds to the health of the car.
What's happening is, instead of the vehicle health showing with it's color it's showing only TOTALED. Does anybody have an idea of what I am doing wrong. Here's the code...
GREEN - 750 - 1000 YELLOW - 500 - 749 RED - 250 - 499 RED - Totaled (0 - 249)
pawn Код:
forward VehicleTimer(playerid);
public VehicleTimer(playerid)
new healthstring[128];
new Float:health;
new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
new vehhealth = GetVehicleHealth(vehicleid, health);
if(vehhealth >= 750 && vehhealth <= 1000) format(healthstring, sizeof(healthstring), "~w~Heatlh: ~g~h~%d", vehhealth);
else if(vehhealth >= 749 && vehhealth <= 500) format(healthstring, sizeof(healthstring), "~w~Health: ~y~~h~%d", vehhealth);
else if(vehhealth >= 250 && vehhealth <= 499) format(healthstring, sizeof(healthstring), "~w~Health: ~r~~h~%d", vehhealth);
else if(vehhealth >= 0 && vehhealth <= 249) format(healthstring, sizeof(healthstring), "~w~Health: ~r~~h~TOTALED");
TextDrawSetString(HealthText[playerid], healthstring);
new speedstring[128];
new kmh = GetPlayerSpeed(playerid, true);
if(kmh >= 0 && kmh <= 80) format(speedstring, sizeof(speedstring), "~w~Speed: ~g~~h~%d ~w~KM/h.", kmh);
else if(kmh >= 81 && kmh <= 120) format(speedstring, sizeof(speedstring), "~w~Speed: ~y~~h~%d ~w~KM/h.", kmh);
else if(kmh >= 121) format(speedstring, sizeof(speedstring), "~w~Speed: ~r~~h~%d ~w~KM/h.", kmh);
TextDrawSetString(SpeedoText[playerid], speedstring);
return 1;