Segmentation error (Most likely my script)

Hi, i've spent this afternoon creating a dynamic housing system for my server.
All worked fine, i could create, edit, delete etc. This was on my windows machine.
I uploaded it to my vps which runs ubuntu 10.10 x86 and tried to run it, and i received the segmentation error.
So i just tried commenting out the line that calls the function that loads my houses.
Then the server loaded up fine.
I could save houses and all that, and they'd show up but without being able to load them on startup it's a bit useless.
Un-commented the line and it wouldn't start again.
This is the code that gets called at startup, can anyone see whats wrong with it?
pawn Код:
stock AddHousesFromFile()
    new Str[67],hid, hprice, howned, huserid, Float:HX, Float:HY, Float:HZ, intid, Float:intX, Float:intY, Float:intZ, houseTotal, Float:vX, Float:vY, Float:vZ, Float:vA;
    mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `houses`");
    if(mysql_num_rows() > 0)
            sscanf(Str, "p<|>ddddfffdfffffff", hid, hprice, howned, huserid, HX, HY, HZ, intid, intX, intY, intZ, vX, vY, vZ, vA);
            houses[hid][houseid] = hid;
            houses[hid][owned] = howned;
            houses[hid][price] = hprice;
            houses[hid][propx] = HX;
            houses[hid][propy] = HY;
            houses[hid][propz] = HZ;
            houses[hid][propintx] = intX;
            houses[hid][propinty] = intY;
            houses[hid][propintz] = intZ;
            houses[hid][propint] = intid;
            houses[hid][vehpropx] = vX;
            houses[hid][vehpropy] = vY;
            houses[hid][vehpropz] = vZ;
            houses[hid][vehpropangle] = vA;
            SetHouseOwned(hid, 0, 0);
    print("\n------------------------------Houses From Database-----------------------------");
    printf("                                %i houses loaded.", houseTotal);
stock SetHouseOwned(propid, toggle, owner)
    if(toggle == 1)
        housepickups[propid] = CreateDynamicPickup(1272, 1, houses[propid][propx], houses[propid][propy], houses[propid][propz], -1, -1, -1, 200.0);
        houseicons[propid] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(houses[propid][propx], houses[propid][propy], houses[propid][propz], 32, 0, -1, -1, -1, 500.0);
        houses[propid][ownerid] = owner;
        houses[propid][owned] = 1;
    else if(toggle == 0)
        housepickups[propid] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 1, houses[propid][propx], houses[propid][propy], houses[propid][propz], -1, -1, -1, 200.0);
        houseicons[propid] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(houses[propid][propx], houses[propid][propy], houses[propid][propz], 31, 0, -1, -1, -1, 500.0);
        houses[propid][ownerid] = 0;
        houses[propid][owned] = 0;
    return 1;
When i looked into the server log when i uncommented it, it loads the houses, prints those 3 lines then the server stops.

Move your mysql_free_result() function inside the mysql_num_rows() if statement. You're freeing query data that might not exist.

Tried what you said, and it still threw it back at me.
Really wonder what it could be.

You forgot to add the delimeter
pawn Код:
while(mysql_fetch_row_format(Str, "|"))
I dont know if this will fix it, but give it a try.

Nope didn't like it :/

Just being commenting out different parts of it to see what was causing it, seems to be the whole while statement.
If i comment the while statement out it starts up.
Confused because this function is basically a copy of my faction checkpoints loader, which works fine, but with the table changed and the big list of variables in this one.

Looked into the functions for the mysql plugin im using, works now.
Changed the function that goes through the database.
Thanks for the help anyway ^^
pawn Код:
stock CreateHouses()
    new Str[67],hid, hprice, howned, huserid, intid, hTotal;
    new Float:HX, Float:HY, Float:HZ, Float:intX, Float:intY, Float:intZ, Float:vX, Float:vY, Float:vZ, Float:vA;
    mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `houses`");
        sscanf(Str, "p<|>ddddfffdfffffff", hid, hprice, howned, huserid, HX, HY, HZ, intid, intX, intY, intZ, vX, vY, vZ, vA);
        houses[hid][houseid] = hid;
        houses[hid][owned] = howned;
        houses[hid][ownerid] = huserid;
        houses[hid][price] = hprice;
        houses[hid][propx] = HX;
        houses[hid][propy] = HY;
        houses[hid][propz] = HZ;
        houses[hid][propintx] = intX;
        houses[hid][propinty] = intY;
        houses[hid][propintz] = intZ;
        houses[hid][propint] = intid;
        houses[hid][vehpropx] = vX;
        houses[hid][vehpropy] = vY;
        houses[hid][vehpropz] = vZ;
        houses[hid][vehpropangle] = vA;
        SetHouseOwned(hid, 0, 0);
    print("\n------------------------------Houses From Database-----------------------------");
    printf("                                %i houses loaded.", hTotal);

Got this error once again, on a part of code that can't even go wrong, and it's worked for several weeks before this.
pawn Код:
mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "database", "");
That bit of code makes the server actually start up, but because the user is passworded it can't connect resulting in my server being practically dead.
But if i put the users password in, which is probably about 10 characters long into it, i get the segmentation error.
So close to scrapping this completely and start over, but i don't really want to seeing as i've spent ages on this. My first gamemode as well.

Who knows a MySQL tutorial ?

This isn't the place to be asking for one
I'm after help with a bloody segmentation error not a mysql tutorial.


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