08.07.2011, 19:19
i made a AntiCheat. Its a bit buggy. When someone get banned because he cheated a weapon, he get banned, but when after the ban a new player joins he get also banned with the same reason. I dont know why, i hope you can help me. Here is the script.
PS: I started "SetTimerEx" when someone connect and kill the timer when someone left. The example is a public.
i made a AntiCheat. Its a bit buggy. When someone get banned because he cheated a weapon, he get banned, but when after the ban a new player joins he get also banned with the same reason. I dont know why, i hope you can help me. Here is the script.
if(Spieler[playerid][AdminLevel] == 0) if(GetPVarInt(playerid,"DMStatus") == 0) if(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) == 45) { new name[128]; new string[128]; GetPlayerName(playerid,name,sizeof(name)); format(string,sizeof(string),"Server: %s was banned by AntiBot. Reason: Thermal goggles",name); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTRED,string); Ban(playerid); new File:bans = fopen("/Server/bans.txt",io_append); fwrite(bans,string); fclose(bans); ResetPlayerWeapons(playerid); }