Ban List on forums ....How??

After a big thinking from this thread xflawless was right so i changed my forums to an open source forum that is smf. Now i want to get my ban list on my forums but how can i do that .....i tried all tutorials around but no i failed.......can anyone help me in getting my ban list on my forums......

Thank You For Your Time !


Bumping this thread, because the OP still wants help.

Have you already created a MySQL banlist in your gamemode? Does your gamemode save bans to MySQL currently?

In a PM the OP sent me:


Hello Sir,
Can you please help me in Mysql system...well i am totally noob at it.... i just want my server ban list on my forums here! .....I dont know anything about how it can be done i only know it can be done in two ways one with mysql and other is php.....and i am noob at both

Please Sir I need Your Help


I probably should've quoted that in my post as my post seems quite out of context without it.

hmm I am using Lux Admin Script and i just want my ban list on my forums....!

And no i have not created mysql banlist in my gamemode and it does not save any banlist on the mysql DB

Have you tried this?

Originally Posted by Calg00ne
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Have you tried this?

Yeah but i dont even know how to install it and dont know how to get in on my FTP server??

I seen this many times the also the download link is also dead

Originally Posted by ******
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OK, to be able to explain how to do this to the level of even having to explain what FTP is, you really need more background knowledge. There are many websites explaining the basics of setting up websites - I suggest you go and read some of these first so at least you know what FTP, PHP and MySQL are, and why this statement makes no sense:

Calg00ne: Fair enough then, sorry.
Hmmm...Yeah i went to and read something but was all out of my mind... I know what is FTP ...its called File Treanfer Protocol ..its mainly used to transfer files fastly and safely...But i want someone that can teach me or help me in doing thing with Mysql and PHP....Can you help me sir !

Originally Posted by ******
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Firstly FTP is neither fast nor safe, it just exists and can transfer files! And if you didn't understand the information on a tutorial site, how is us typing the same information here going to make any difference to your understanding?

What you're asking requires background knowledge, and without that you're never going to get very far. We can point you in the right direction (e.g., but ultimately this isn't actually a forum for PHP, so if you're having problems with it there are much better sites to go to for help (e.g.
Well The think your pointing is right but need time and as in my signature my server is going to be open after 3-7-11....and anything that you can help me in setting my ban list on my forums faster than the date would be the best solution!...and yeah do you got Teamviewer or something so you can help me and teach me some PHP and Mysql better if you like to!

Again No one

Please thread still alive.......Help!

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