Is the GM i have good?

The gm i have is Public Role Play is that any good?

A custom build script is preferred.
Any gamemode in the GameMode Releases board should only be used for learning purposes. But that's just my idea. Apparently, 80%+ thinks it's to rip a script and put it on their server and claim it as their own.

Originally Posted by Pangea
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Any gamemode in the GameMode Releases board should only be used for learning purposes.
That's a interesting way to look at it, but I think you are right.

Originally Posted by linuxthefish
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That's a interesting way to look at it, but I think you are right.
If you don't have the skill to script you can learn from it (but those scripts should use the latest scripting functions). If you have some skill why don't take some good ideas there and script it yourself? You can also add some more ideas!

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