
This was happening last week for a while, and it's happening again:

For no apparent reason! There have been no recent changes to the script, and this time it only happened after someone joined the server under my name and started spamming how he was gonna take down the server etc etc.

Server info:
15:36:51 up 143 days, 17:23, 1 user, load average: 1.18, 1.28, 1.50
Running apache,mysql...
Xeon Quad Core, 8GB ram, gbit uplink.

Whatever it is, it's only affecting the SA:MP server and nothing else - IRC, website etc are fine.

EDIT: Another SA:MP server on my dedi box is also having these timeouts. Is it some sort of UDP attack? Both servers run on different CPU cores (taskset), and use different MySQL databases. All tables are indexed correctly, and we never had any problems before last Friday. When either server is shut down, it doesn't fix the problem in the other one.


Never mind, a network firewall was dropping packets cause it was configured incorrectly. My host fixed it for me so feel free to lock this.

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