Hello old friend Robert(If you remember me still from way back.)
Pretty much,
You would need the following:
For spawns, look at pretty much any script which uses gRandomSpawns etc.
Replace that, with:
pawn Код:
new RandomFireSpawn
{X, Y, Z },
{X, Y, Z},
{X, Y, Z};//This is of the X, Y, Z of fire spawns.
Once you have created the timer, you would do the following.
pawn Код:
public TimerName()
CreateObject(ObjectID, RandomFireSpawn[0], RandomFireSpawn[1], RandomFireSpawn[2],0, 0, 0, 0);
SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, IConID, RandomFireSpawn[1],RandomFireSpawn[1],RandomFireSpawn[1], 55, COLOR_WHITE, 0);
SendFactionMessage(factionID, COLOR_PINK, " Dispatch: There has been a fire located within the city of LS");//This is a example code, the code you would use is what ever you use, as for /®adio for the LSFMD. Same thing, minus the string. You already have the preset text.
return 1;
//Now, for the health.
new FireHPTimer[MAX_PLAYERS];
forward HealthFire(playerid)
public HealthFire(playerid);
FireHPTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("FireHealthTime", 25000, false, "i", playerid);//Set for 25 seconds.
return 1;
forward FireHealthTime(playerid)
public FireHealthTime(playerid)
new Float:health;
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, health);
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, health-25.0);//In 25 seconds, if not treated he will loose 25 HP
return 1;
If that doesn't work, or I am missing something, sorry. A Bit tired mate :P
Also I don't have Pawno etc. on this computer so had to do it by memory.