Is this really annoying the scripters


The last few years I would have got like 10 PM's a day asking for help, not such much recently (Thank God) but yeah it gets extremely annoying, especially if you go inactive for a while and come back and you have like 150 PM's from people asking for help..

I know most of this community is un-proffesional so of course they're gonna ask you for help and add you randomly.I'm sure 90% of the people on this forum are just kids that want to begin to script,but don't know how.Therefore,they ask someone like you and your the one that ends up making the script.

If you regularly get PM's like this, then you're not being rude enough when you tell them you don't want to help them.

Originally Posted by Blacklite
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If you regularly get PM's like this, then you're not being rude enough when you tell them you don't want to help them.
I mostly dont even reply and on msn i just block it

Originally Posted by Kitten
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well lately its pissing me off random people keep adding me on msn or on forums here sending me messages need help on scripting or you will be admin / owner in my server if you script us this and that why cant they go learn them self lately i been asked over 40+ times its been pissing me off so i want to know is it really annoying the other scripters out here in sa-mp forums.

which i know at end they going to scam you or ban you.


(is this a useless thread mods / admins please delete this i just want to know others opinions )
keep blocking.

Best way to block them is to say "no ingles" and then state some that you speak some random language no one knows.

Originally Posted by Blacklite
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If you regularly get PM's like this, then you're not being rude enough when you tell them you don't want to help them.
I'm generally a nice guy though, can't be doing that haha.

I just ignore them or say 'no ingles' like Saurik says, unless their people I know than I help him.

On my old account I was receiving pm's every day with questions.

But after I created this new account everyone thinks I am newbie so no pms

Not much I can really say here. I have a few people once in a while even Fresh but not much but mainly because we also don't help out much either.

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