Couple of general scripting questions I need answered

Well, here they are:

1) When scripting, how not to get confused and lost in it? Many times I get lost and confused and then I have to go through all the script to figure back out what I wanted to do.

2) With filterscripts, can I have one thing defined in the main script and then use that in a filterscript without using a saving system and re-loading the variables into the FS?

3) When scripting an RP gamemode, what's the first thing I have to do, where to start? What then, what's the most important to script first (except login/register and saving system)?

Originally Posted by Outcast
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Well, here they are:

1) When scripting, how not to get confused and lost in it? Many times I get lost and confused and then I have to go through all the script to figure back out what I wanted to do.

2) With filterscripts, can I have one thing defined in the main script and then use that in a filterscript without using a saving system and re-loading the variables into the FS?

3) When scripting an RP gamemode, what's the first thing I have to do, where to start? What then, what's the most important to script first (except login/register and saving system)?
1) That seems to be memory problem. When you're scripting, pay attention to what you're doing in order to not get lost.

2) I believe so.

3) I would say factions and sidejobs. Those are what are going to allow players to roleplay. Without factions and sidejobs, the server would be bland and boring.

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