[Include] GetEx Fucntions by Activest.

Hello sa-mp scripters.
I decided to create new include to new scripters/to everyone, that they dont have power to do variables to many 'Get'
Functions, so if you realy need it... this is your thread.

GetEx` Functions Include by Activest
The stocks are have one variable, at the end you will see example to the include functions.
1. Function number one:
pawn Код:
Explanation: The function get the health amount of the player directly.
2. Function number two:
pawn Код:
Explanation: The function get the armour amount of the player directly.
3. Function number three:
pawn Код:
Explanation: The function get the coords of the X, Y, Z without variables.
4. Function number four:
pawn Код:
Explanation: The function get the coord of the Angle player.
5. Function number five:
pawn Код:
GetPlayerNameEx(playerid) | GPNEx(playerid)
Explanation: The function get the name of the player, good for messages, Textdraws and more...
6. Function number six:
pawn Код:
Explanation: The function get the ip of player, good for messages, Textdraws and more...
7. Function number seven:
pawn Код:
GetVehicleIDEx(playerid) | GetVIDEx(playerid)
Explanation: Get the ID of the vehicle fastest.
Example for all functions in the include:
pawn Код:
format(string, 256, "{177FFF}[GetEx-include by Activest] Name: %s - Health: %.1f - Armour: %.1f - IP: %s - Vehicle ID: %d.", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid),GetPlayerHealthEx(playerid),GetPlayerArmourEx(playerid),GetPlayerIPEx(playerid),GetVehicleIDEx(playerid));  
SCM(playerid, Default, string);  
format(string, 256, "{177FFF}Display position: X Coord: %d.%d, Y Coord: %d.%d, Z Coord: %d.%d, Angle Coord: %d.%d.", GetPlayerPosEx(playerid), GetPlayerAngleEx(playerid));  
SCM(playerid, Default, string);
Picture to see in picture the function:

Tutorial to install the include:
1. Download the include at the end of the thread.
2. Get in to your main mode and type at the start of the mode:
pawn Код:
#include "GetExByActivest"
3. Copy the include to your SAMP Script folder in: pawn/include.
4. Let's compile the main mode.
5. Start to use the new functions with the include.
Here(http://www.2shared.com/file/oAXTXYiS...yActivest.html) - link from 2shared.
Password for file: Activest.
Contact-Email/Messenger: ActivestEmail@GMail.com.


Thanks you.

Nice one

Thanks,I think it's very Important.

Yes, its right.

This is really nice!

+ Also, how does the GetPlayerPosEx thing work? It needs to return 3 different sums, so i don't see how it works unless you formatted them as a single string, and then returned that, requiring the user to "unformat" the data (sscanf(?))

I'll do the GetPlayerPos with 4 parametrs at the next version.
Somone already said it, so don't worry guys

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