Looking for scripters/mappers

I'm creating a samp server and wondering if anyone would like to script/map. Yes you would get admin In game. First i would need to see a example of your work so if anyone is interested post here or email stephensutton33@hotmail.com

This has already been posted many times, I don't suggest you find scripters in SA-MP forums, they will first of all insult you.
A server won't look professional if they can see the owner requesting for scripters in the SA-MP forums.
Want a good server? MEET a scripter or Make your own script (learn PAWN first, and be sure you know it by heart).
That's how to do a succefull Server.
And you didn't specify if it was a RP server or what type of server.

as 6d said that kind of topics been posted like 99999 times and i would say it again : if i can script why should i script for u and get admin in-game while i can script for myself and make myself owner...

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