Mapper tips!

Hello guys!! i decided to start making maps for samp servers, so i want is if can (and if you wabt of course) if you are a mapper and have some tips to tell me, or post me some helpful tutorial for good realistic mapping! thanks (i use MTA for mapping, is there any better programm?)

First of all,enter game,find good place for your map,and press "F" to get menu list!
You will see down the screen[left corner]Objects,get object you like and put 'em on your position.
How to rotate it?
Use "SCROOL" to rotate left-right,Hold "Alt" and move "SCROOL" to rotate it slower,hold "Ctrl" to rotate it Up-Down,Hold "Ctrl" and press "pageup/Padedown" to rotate it with side/left-fight,and use simple pageup/pagedown to move object up and down

I hope it helps,just basic things

MTA doesn't support 0.3c objects. This dose.

It supperts,i gpt 1.0.5 and it supports

Originally Posted by linuxthefish
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MTA doesn't support 0.3c objects. This dose.

If you want to make a good map, make sure you know how to use all the functions the map editor have, and put the objects accurately.
Also, always make objects in the best way, that means do not create bug positions that you can see the back of the objects without textures.

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