Adding map in my server ?

Well, i am totally new to making a server.

All i need to have done is...

This .map file, in a PWN and .AMX file, so i can add it in my Filterscripts.
I found out how to make the .pwn, but i don't know the AMX, please someone help me.

Thanks in advance.

just put this under OnPlayerConnect in pawno

CreateObject(5520, 1382.6943359375, -1202.8828125, 206.59004211426, 0, 0, 90);
CreateObject(17951, 1413.2277832031, -1204.2818603516, 187.94316101074, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(17951, 1413.2277832031, -1211.1920166016, 187.92880249023, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(17951, 1413.2277832031, -1218.2921142578, 187.97378540039, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(827, 1396.8914794922, -1221.8189697266, 205.23596191406, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(827, 1397.0280761719, -1217.2874755859, 205.23596191406, 0, 0, 270);
CreateObject(1597, 1390.1550292969, -1187.865234375, 204.10269165039, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1710, 1394.9406738281, -1187.1707763672, 201.4453125, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1710, 1398.3406982422, -1190.4760742188, 201.4453125, 0, 0, 180);
CreateObject(2319, 1396.0911865234, -1188.8974609375, 201.4453125, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3749, 1406.3134765625, -1229.1885986328, 192.00042724609, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3749, 1407.4383544922, -1181.0725097656, 192.02308654785, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2643, 1386.1083984375, -1196.1243896484, 203.2385559082, 0, 0, 90);
CreateObject(8670, 1396.8117675781, -1201.4143066406, 207.34968566895, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3399, 1378.7016601563, -1180.8123779297, 188.81533813477, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3399, 1389.8159179688, -1180.9591064453, 193.09448242188, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3399, 1401.0452880859, -1186.75390625, 195.87229919434, 0, 0, 270);
CreateObject(3399, 1401.1469726563, -1194.3155517578, 199.25085449219, 0, 0, 270);
CreateObject(672, 1434.1883544922, -1189.0554199219, 194.046875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(672, 1420.9925537109, -1195.5252685547, 194.046875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(672, 1431.8898925781, -1201.3067626953, 194.046875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(688, 1430.7751464844, -1214.9317626953, 194.046875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(688, 1422.0018310547, -1211.8424072266, 194.046875, 0, 0, 0);

a code like that i had from

I thought i had to make a .pwn file from that, & add it into the script

( as i said, im totally new to it xD )

Then i found out, that i need an AMX file or something but i didn't know how..

But if the way you did it is easyer.

Can you explain more how to ? make a small guide ?

about where to place it, where the file is where i have to place it ?

Thank you in advance.


OnGameModeInit, not OnPlayerConnect, otherwise it is going to create the objects multiple times.
After you done that, hit F5 and you're done!

where is that OnGameModeInit?

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