Vehicle Respawn

Hello, I have a question about vehicle respawning. On My server the vehicles are respawning really fast and the players are complaining about it, is there some way to delete this respawn thing or atleast make the time of the respawn longer?

-thank You.

pawn Code:
CreateVehicle(modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:angle, color1, color2, respawn_delay);

AddStaticVehicle(modelid, Float:spawn_x, Float:spawn_y, Float:spawn_z, Float:angle, color1, color2);

AddStaticVehicleEx(modelid, Float:spawn_x, Float:spawn_y, Float:spawn_z, Float:angle, color1, color2, respawn_delay);

umm can I ask what do I need to add in the CreateVehicle? Cause I only have the AddStaticVehicle thing, and do I have to add these lines to each car I made?

There is respawn_delay parameter in CreateVehicle and AddStaticVehicleEx.

You have to use one of these instead of AddStaticVehicle.

Ok thank you, and could someone explain me how the respawn_delay works, I mean how to type in the number of it, and if its in minutes/seconds or whatever.

Ok thank you guys, yall helped me alot. I Fixed the problem and all works good now

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