21.03.2011, 18:05
Hello, i have an ingame house creater and when i make an house ingame a pickup will be spawned.
How can i change the pickup into GREEN 3d text?
How can i change the pickup into GREEN 3d text?
if(strcmp(Houses[i][hOwner], "Nobody", true) == 0) { Houses[i][LockStatus] = 0; Houses[i][HPickupID] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 23, Houses[i][hExteriorX], Houses[i][hExteriorY], Houses[i][hExteriorZ], 0, -1, -1, 150.0); } else { Houses[i][HPickupID] = CreateDynamicPickup(1272, 23, Houses[i][hExteriorX], Houses[i][hExteriorY], Houses[i][hExteriorZ], 0, -1, -1, 150.0); } printf("[system] House %d spawned.", i); SpawnedHouses++; } } return 1; }