20.03.2011, 16:56
Последний раз редактировалось [ProX]BlueFire; 20.03.2011 в 18:15.
Причина: changing alittle
can sombody create a teleport checkpoint for me?(but with a cmd, like when u enter the dcp it will say:"type /enter to enter the build,and if he is not in the check point and he type /enter it will say:"you are not near the checkpoint")
dynamicCheckPoint Cordis:2212.830078125, 2048.8022460938, 9.6160545349121
when u enter the checkpoint and type /enter it tele u to this cordis:1415.951171,-988.971191,1639.980224
(the same will be when ur back)
and can u explane me how do i make when the player has entered the check point it will show/open him a dialog?(it will automatic show him the dialog)
thx for helpers =D
dynamicCheckPoint Cordis:2212.830078125, 2048.8022460938, 9.6160545349121
when u enter the checkpoint and type /enter it tele u to this cordis:1415.951171,-988.971191,1639.980224
(the same will be when ur back)
and can u explane me how do i make when the player has entered the check point it will show/open him a dialog?(it will automatic show him the dialog)
thx for helpers =D