How to increase the fun in jobs (SA-MP RP servers)

Well I'm sure everyone gets bored of the simple go to the next checkpoints, so now I ask what is it I could do with the jobs to increase the fun with the boundaries of SA-MP or what would you like in an RP server that is possible with the scripting capabilities.

Be creative and keep almost as it would be IRL Look at.. Shaddy91's bin or fire man job etc..

Give them NOS, spawn ramps in the route, give hydraulics to job car, and give them guns. Also speed boost and super jump on car works.

Put a Jetpack Pickup then youl just need to fly around.

I actually enjoy the fact that as a truck driver you just drive to a checkpoint, deliver some goods, and go back to the warehouse to do the same things. It's repetitive and CAN get boring, however, if you're a truck driver in real-life, how much excitement can you expect after all? As long as you have some good roleplaying in the server, such as a car accident on the road, or the trailer detaching and you not just backing up to put it back on, it can always be fun.

Don't worry so much about what you can do to improve it, just have better roleplays.

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