Lag's Possibility?

I am the host of a free-roam server, and one of my admins just banned someone for possible Health Hacks. The scenario was this... one of the admins flew a heli and killed the target. The person appeared to have jumped out through the blades on the admin's screen.

From the player's account, he became furious and asked me why he was banned just because he didn't get killed on a failed HK. I assumed on his screen he wasn't hit and in fact avoided the blades.

1. Could it be possible?
2. What's your accounts or experience with lags?

All types of lag are possible. I might give him the Benefit of the Doubt if I were you.

To test if player is bugged, move his position, and if he doesn't move, he is bugged, try with cmds like /slap.
And yes it's possible.

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