4 error, Help please

(616) : error 028: invalid subscript (not an array or too many subscripts): "Player"
(616) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "]"
(616) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
616) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

The Error:
		new string2[128];
			if (floatround(GetPlayerSpeed(playerid)) > 1) {
	    	// 616 line if (Player[playerid][Tickrate] < 25) {
	    			format(string2, 128, "~w~~b~~h~~h~AFK: ~w~~r~NO~n~~w~~b~~h~~h~Ping: ~w~~y~~h~%d", Player[playerid][Tickrate], GetPlayerPing(playerid));
	    		} else {
	    			format(string2, 128, "~w~~b~~h~~h~AFK: ~w~~y~~h~NO~n~~w~~b~~h~~h~Ping: ~w~~y~~h~%d", Player[playerid][Tickrate], GetPlayerPing(playerid));
	    		TextDrawSetString(fps_text[playerid], string2);
			} else {
	    		format(string2, 128, "~w~~b~~h~~h~AFK: ~w~~y~~h~YES~n~~w~~b~~h~~h~Ping: ~w~~y~~h~%d", GetPlayerPing(playerid));
	    		TextDrawSetString(fps_text[playerid], string2);

Make sure that you have your array name right. (Player)
Show you array declaration at the top of the script.

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