Huge lagg, (Not from connection)

I have windows xp 64x (bit)
And it has an amd athlon x4 640
And radeaon hd 4650.

I play san andreas online and after a couple mins it has bigg lagg.
And on my other pc (dual core) and it runs smoothly.

Can someone help me

Try to set the affinity of the gta_sa.exe proces to 4 processors.
(CTRL+ALT+DELETE > Task Manager > Processes >> Right click on gta_sa.exe > Set Affinity)
This has to be done every time you launch SA-MP.

Windows XP 64-bit has big compatibility issues with many programs as far as I know, I tried it out once but I removed It the same day because It was too much of a bitch. Get Windows 7 64-bit instead, and I can promise you it will work just fine.

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