Cannot login into RCON, /vehicle also?

Hey so I searched the wiki as I thought it might be somekind of debug mode on the server, when i do IG /rcon login pass then it bans me. When I type /vehicle it says im not logged in as a RCON admin. Any help how to disable that so I could login as an admin and use /vehicle?

show your vehicle command

You have to give valid password, it's case sensitive (I think). Open server.cfg and look at this line
rcon_password Password
In game you type /rcon login Password

Second alternative would be to remove IsPlayerAdmin function from your /vehicle command.. if you want to use the command as a regular player

I dont have any /vehicle command in my game. I did it correctly, in the log it said that I logged in successfully.

// FIXED, I accidentally had added a code under RconLoginAttempt.

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