Warning 213: Tag missmatch

Hey guys,

today I made a lil something for my server. Now when I compile it I get 2 Warnings:

warning 213: tag mismatch
2 times.

These are the lines:
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"SERVER: Du bist Premium Nutzer.");
			new Premium3D;
			Premium3D = Create3DTextLabel("Premium",0xFFFF00AA,30.0,40.0,50.0,40.0,0); //First line
			Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer(Premium3D, playerid, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3); //Second line
Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

You are missing one parameter here:
pawn Код:
Premium3D = Create3DTextLabel("Premium",0xFFFF00AA,30.0,40.0,50.0,40.0,0); //First line
At the end there should be a extra 0 or 1(testLOS). Check: https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Create3DTextLabel

Should be like:
pawn Код:
Premium3D = Create3DTextLabel("Premium",0xFFFF00AA,30.0,40.0,50.0,40.0,0,0); //First line
Or like:
pawn Код:
Premium3D = Create3DTextLabel("Premium",0xFFFF00AA,30.0,40.0,50.0,40.0,0,1); //First line

Thanks alot for the quick reply and solution

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