Pawno "Results" - Window

Does anyone else have the problem that the Results-Window of pawno sometimes disappears after compiling? Then the program freezes up and you have to close it using the task manager -_-

It happens especially when there are neither bugs nor warnings in the compiled script.

Does this happen when you press a specific key when compiling?

Maybe it didn't finish compiling yet?

It is because of the script you're trying to compile. It will either:
a) crash.
b) freeze up and not respond afterwards
c) freeze the compiler (which you can just press X to hide)

Be careful with certain type of macros (mostly very long macros with a lot of placeholders for format().
Just comment out the code you newly added until you find the line thats freezing the compiler. Then fix it and recieve instant profit!

Never happens to me, your code is wrong.

It's because your compiler is stuck pre-processing for eternity.. well almost.

Something like this will take over 10 seconds to compile in a blank script:
pawn Код:
    case -10000 .. 10000: {}
And this will compile until your PC dies:
pawn Код:
    case 0.05 .. 0.06: {}

I think you didn't understand what Im talking about.

The script compiles fine, but from time to times, the "Compiled Successfully" window comes up and disappears again immediately.

The compiler does not crash

In that case I'm useless

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