24.01.2011, 22:39
Im still trying to make a /asslick command this is what i have so far but when someone puts in a command that dosnt exist it asslicks id 0 and if they /asslick it wont work please help idk what im doing wrong :/
#include <a_samp> #include strtok public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { new idx; if (strcmp("/asslick", cmdtext, true)) { new tmp[30]; tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx); new otherplayer = strval(tmp); if(!strlen(tmp)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x919191FF, "Usage: /asslick [id]"); if(IsPlayerConnected(otherplayer)) { new string[64], name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new otherplayername[30]; GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name)); GetPlayerName(otherplayer, otherplayername, sizeof(otherplayername)); format(string, sizeof(string), " %s Is now asslicking %s", name,otherplayername); SendClientMessageToAll(0x33CCFFAA, string); SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFFFFFFF,"Heres 10000000 Dollers for your trubles "); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 100000000); sleep(20); SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFFFFFFF,"wait never mind I want that money back!"); GivePlayerMoney(playerid,-100000000); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFFFFFFF, "Haha!, The Player you are trying to asslick isn't online! noob."); } return 1; } return 0; }